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Homo Civitas Lumen

Homo Civitas Lumen (Man City Light) is a video installation proposed by Lucca Del Carlo using video mapping as technique to map the body of artists and use them as a screen for their own work, thus representing its entire intimate universe and all that each one of them wishes to communicate, and usually does as a form of occupation in the metropolis.

In the indigenous universe, constantly visited by Del Carlo among his works, although the Indians walk naked, painting their bodies represents a true social code because each one of those indicates a situation or mood, war, birth, mourning rites and divisions of tasks within the tribe. To all who know these codes, they say more than any other garment, being also a form of communication between tribes who do not speak the same language.

In Sao Paulo, street art blends with the city's identity. It assumes occupation postures and speaks directly to the different tribes there present. Given the chaos in the city which suppresses and stifles, the expression of art becomes a form of liberation.

Work presented at the opening of Tag Gallery, São Paulo, 08/30/2014
Soundtrack: Kiko Costato
Projected Artists: Adams Carvalho, Alex Senna, Ciro Schu, Delca, Erica Mizu, Fefe Talavera, Mari Mats, Prozak


Projection Mapping Installation Video Art


Modul8 MadMapper